Saturday, January 29, 2011

Assignment #1 Learning Goals

Please bear in mind folks that I've never written a blog before so probably my learning goals should include mastering that as well but I am going to try to attach the 5 learning goals we were asked to write at the beginning of this course.

Learning Objectives
  1. Increase congruence between non-verbal and verbal communication
Benefit to Practice:  I have a tendency to continue or commence tasks while I am interacting with patients.  My words may convey positive regard but my non-verbal behaviour does not.
Success Indicators:  I will reflect on my daily interactions with patients and will rate a decrease in this behaviour
Strategies:  I will make a notation on my worksheet as a daily reminder and elicit feedback from my peers.  Review CNO Practice Standard: Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship.
  1. Explore strategies to improve patient information capture while maintaining therapeutic communication
Benefit to Practice:  One of my positions as an RN involves postoperative pain assessments.  Time restraints are a daily occurrence with this position and I would like to improve the efficiency of my data collection but maintain effective communication
Success Indicators:  Patients will continue to express satisfaction with pain assessment visits and I will see a decrease in the number of repeat visits to capture missed information
Strategies: Make a template of all the information I wish to capture and review this with each patient before termination of the visit.  Review CNO Practice: Standard Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship.
  1. Increase knowledge of communication strategies for patients from Inuit cultural background
Benefit to Practice: Our hospital receives many Inuit patients for care and I would like to become more culturally competent with this patient population
Success IndicatorsI will become more knowledgeable of cultural traditions of this population and document and share communication strategies with my peers.
StrategiesReview CNO Practice Guideline: Culturally Sensitive Care and RNAO BPG: Embracing Cultural Diversity.  Research articles on communication with this patient population, search hospital database for communication strategies and presentations on this topic. 
  1. Explore strategies of effective communication for patients receiving “bad news” in the postoperative period.
Benefit to Practice: One of my nursing positions is on a surgical oncology floor and it is not unusual to arrive in a patient’s room after rounds to find them in a state of distress regarding operative findings.
Success Indicators:  Patient satisfaction if possible before end of course, positive feedback from peers regarding applicability of information and strategies.
Strategies: Review CNO Practice Standard: Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship and Practice Guideline: Guiding Decisions About End-of-Life Care.  Research articles, review attending behaviours and active listening skills and reflect on daily practice.  Share findings with peers.
  1. Increase practice of reflective/meditative strategies
Benefit to Practice: I am finding that the end of life issues facing the patients for whom I care increasingly impacts me emotionally.  I know that I need to devote more time to self-health to maintain therapeutic relationships.  
Success Indicators:  I will be able to leave at the end of a shift feeling I have delivered compassionate care and communicated therapeutically and not feel burdened by issues facing my patients. 
Strategies:  Decrease number of weekly shifts.  No overtime hours.  Review self- help strategies.  Devote minimum of one hour daily to self-help strategies.  Review RNAO BPG: Healthy Work Environment. 

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